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Sebastian's Marimba/La marimba de Sebastián
(Odiseas Centroamericanas, 2011)

     Sebastian is a ten-year-old boy growing up in the highlands of Guatemala in the mid-1800s. Just like other boys of his age, he likes to spend his free time with friends, spinning tops at the local playground. But one day, walking through his hometowns' market, he is mesmerized by the exotic sounds of a toy marimba, and his life is changed forever.

     Based on actual events, this bilingual story follows Sebastián Hurtado's quest for the perfect marimba. As a grownup, Sebastián developed the modern guatemalan instrument, later introduced to the United States by his sons. They formed the world-famous Hurtado Brother's Royal Marimba Band and became a huge sensation at the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition of San Francisco, California.


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